Saturday, April 2, 2011

Super Kawaii Mama

At the risk of seeming like a massive creeper, I did some fanart of my favorite blog. Super Kawaii Mama is an Australia-based style blog run by the ever fabulous Candice DeVille.
 After the PS CS5 tips I mentioned in my previous post, I wanted to try something new so I used her blog as inspiration. I based the background off her blog's background, using a free damask pattern I found online (I'd give the source but image google "free damask pattern" and you'll get a million different posts of the exact same pattern). I based the outfit off of one she posted last year (pictures of it can be found in her gallery). I played around with a couple styles for highlights and shadows but nothing really worked and I kinda liked how fresh and crisp it looked this way. I think I might try this technique for more artwork in the future, especially once I understand Illustrator.

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