Friday, September 24, 2010


I know, I know. It's about time I did another. I was really stumped on which one to do next so I threw caution to the wind, whipped open my costume history books, and picked a time period. I found the first time period with big 1980's-like sleeves and poofy skirts and the 1860s-1880s worked well. I picked a sailory theme because it was very fashionable around that time and it invokes the "Fathoms Below" costumes of the men. That time period also accommodates the men's clothing as well, since their clothes throughout the movie were easier to place. I hope the dAudience likes it, since they seem to have a serious obsession with Ariel. I like to think I did her justice.

Ok, I do feel like I derped her face up pretty badly. Oh well.
watercolor, micron, and watercolor paper
Ariel (c) Disney

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