Wednesday, May 19, 2010

o.o two in a row!

This one is kinda old but I've been wanting to get it up here for awhile. I'll try to take some pictures later today so I can keep this posting streak going. This one I did with Prismacolor markers (thanks Jennie ^.^) back in Sept. I was looking at a Mucha poster when I sketched it.

Later: So instead of sitting down at my computer to JUST check my emails (never happens 9.9) I ended up finding this amazing book I had never heard of. I've been ogling the "Art of Princess and the Frog" for awhile (heck, I remember longingly thumbing through "Art of Pocahontas" when I was itty bitty) when I came across this: "The Art of The Disney Princess". Different interpretations of the princesses by different artists across the House of Mouse!! I'll have to add this to my "when I have money to burn" list ^.^

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